Boost Your Business Visibility With Your Own App

Written on 03/12/2022
Dan Hafner

Brand Visibility Using Your Own Mobile App

It takes time to build a new brand identity for your company. This time is invaluable in creating the impression among your target market that your business is trustworthy and has something valuable to offer. Many marketers realize building brand awareness can take a very long time, and often, by the time they are done, their customers have already moved on.

That’s why it’s essential to make the most of using your own mobile app. You can have it ready long before the rest of the company gets there, and people have a hard time getting rid of the brand that can be branded right on their device. Here are some ways your business can promote their company on mobile during the branding phase of your marketing campaign.

Push Notifications

The first thing you need to make sure you do is set up a few push notification channels in your app. You can start off with one channel, such as your company’s website and contact information. Make a second channel for your email subscriber list. The last channel should be an Instagram channel, for if someone uses your push notifications along with Instagram, it shows off your brand to a large number of potential customers and followers.

Mobile Website

Once you have your basic push notifications, you can get people to download your mobile website too. Not all push notifications will work for your website, so you can choose the channel that works best for your target audience. For example, if your audience is most likely to be on Instagram at any moment, you can direct them to an Instagram channel for their push notifications.

Once you have pushed your app through these channels, you have the chance of gaining awareness of your brand. This means more people will want to download it and stay in your channel through all of their Instagram posts and push notifications. So, it’s a great way to get your new marketing campaign started strong. Make sure that once people see your brand, they start liking, leaving comments, and engaging with your brand.

Instagram is the perfect advertising platform for anyone working in the health and wellness industry because of the popularity of social media today. The health and wellness industry is expanding with the rise of health and wellness blogs, apps, and even physical locations for those trying to lead a healthier lifestyle.

With each social media platform having a unique audience, Instagram stands out above all the rest. A whopping 65.1% of the U.S. population has an Instagram account with this being one of the most popular social media platforms for business.

Businesses must engage in a few specific key elements when it comes to business Instagram marketing to find success. In order to gain success on this platform, you must:

Use your images wisely:

The most important part of your posts is the image you use. With businesses, it’s very important to use clear and enticing images when posting on Instagram. You want people to click on the image and either call you or visit your website to become involved or involved in your business.

Use catchy captions for your photos:

It’s extremely important to write well-written captions for your images when posting to Instagram. Keep the captions short, upbeat, and to the point. Be sure to have your website and business information easily accessible in your captions on Instagram. This goes along well with the image you post so they link together and draw more attention to your business when the image is looked at. 

In conclusion, having your own mobile app opens up so many additional options and avenues of increasing your business & brand visibility. It truly is a "secret weapon" that you can leverage to get the drop on your competitors.